Sunday, December 26, 2010

art of christmas: judith monroe

Prophecy of Hope
Mixed media on wood panel, 48” x 48”

Isaiah 11:1— Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot – yes a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root.

This piece illustrates one of the prophecies about the birth of the Messiah. Over several chapters of Isaiah, the nation of Israel and people in general are referred to as trees or a forest. Isaiah talks about God’s anger at Israel’s disobedience and his coming judgment as a wild fire that would destroy the forest of Israel, and of allowing the king of Babylon to chop down Israel like trees before he would be a mighty tree felled himself. It was in this context that the hope of a new shoot that would grow from the stump of what was left of David’s family tree was given.

As I was working on this piece, it came to me that I should make a small section to the left primarily green and then separate the section off with a red stripe, and another red stripe across the top to balance the composition. This would be a new kind of element that added to my work and I literally asked myself, “Why would I do that?” As I pondered and stared, I realized that I would be creating a cross, red like the blood sacrificed by Christ there; and on the other side of the cross there was new life, represented by the green field. This was not my idea, but truly inspired by the Holy Spirit and I was thrilled and humbled by the experience.

Judith Monroe

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