I had seen some incredible pictures of polar bears and sled dogs on the net by Norbert Rosing which caused me to think about the bears as massive, scary creatures who have a softer side that may come from their designer. Angels are always scary when they show themselves to people in the Bible so I thought that the bears could work as angels in my drawings.
Also, just over a year ago I had a border collie named Boo... So, border collies, also on my mind became a good candidate for the shepherds.
With those two characters for illustrating the Christmas story I began sketching the scene from Luke 2:13, 14 in pencil.
As my sketches matured I started enlarging the characters. I found that pencil wasn't working for me as well as I'd hoped so at the suggestion of you (I believe) Judith I dug-out my charcoal supplies, made a trip to Aaron Bros. and picked-up some supplies there which included a large tablet, compressed charcoal, black and while conte crayon etc.
My current debate with myself is about adding color to it. I know that I am going to use white conte crayon in places but I am thinking about adding a sepia tone as well.
In our small group we have been studying with the aid of a book called The God of Creation by Theodore Epp. The author is dead now and the book out of print. But we were able to obtain a few used copies. He was the founder of Family Radio which was on KEBR, I believe. Anyway, he delves in deeply to the creation story which has helped us uncover details of creation that we may have not previously been aware. I can only imagine the world being filled with birds in the blink of God's eye and all of the variety and uniqueness of each.